Kinetoscopio | Willard (2003)

Hace unos meses comente esta película aqui, ahora les digo: tienen algunos problemas? estan resentidos? se sienten indignados? estan un poquitito enojados con "El sistema"? Bueno esta es la peli que andan necesitando... eso si, no me responsabilizo si después de verla consideran seriamente dedicarse a criar ratas!

A few months I comented this movie here Now I say: Do you have some angst? Are you a little bit mad with "The sistem"? Did you feel a little bit let down and dissapointed?... well this movie is just exactly what you need... PS: I don't take any responsability if after you saw it consider seriously to start raising rats:

Link para ver online/ Link to watch online

Cuevana | Willard (2003)

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